

Gelatinised Maca are good for your health

Our Gelatinised Maca are good for your health

Gelatinised Maca are good for your health

Our Gelatinised Maca are good for your health

What does high Vitamin C remind you of? 高維他命C你想起什麼?😎

What does high Vitamin C remind you of?

What does high Vitamin C remind you of?

What does high Vitamin C remind you of?

What does high Vitamin C remind you of?

巴西莓降低心血管疾病 | Acai Berries reduce cardiovascular disease

Acai Berries reduce cardiovascular disease

抗疫下,多了人擔心心肌炎風險。而事實上,身體免疫力強,會易引起發炎反應,也增加罹患心肌炎風險。 Under the pandemic, people are worried about the risk of myocarditis (inflammatory cardiomyopathy). In fact, the stronger immunity, the easier to cause inflammation, and increase the risk of myocarditis. 

Acai Berries reduce cardiovascular disease

抗疫下,多了人擔心心肌炎風險。而事實上,身體免疫力強,會易引起發炎反應,也增加罹患心肌炎風險。 Under the pandemic, people are worried about the risk of myocarditis (inflammatory cardiomyopathy). In fact, the stronger immunity, the easier to cause inflammation, and increase the risk of myocarditis.