
Is plant-based omega-3 better than from animals?

Omega-3 is a kind of fatty acids and the 3 common typse are:
▶DHA 及 EPA: Mainly be found in fish
▶ALA: Only be found in plants
▶and 8 other types: 
HTA, SDA, ETE, ETA, HPA, DPA and 2 more

Function to human body:
Improve function of brain and eyes, and reduce bad cholesterol
Reduce inflammation
DHA EPA Transform into DHA or EPA
Only plant omega-3 ?
Only small amount of ALA will be transformed into EPA or DHA, and the chance is lower than 5%
You have to consume a lot of ALA in order to reach the level of animal omega-3 (DHA/EPA)
When ALA is not transformed into EPA or DHA, it will be stored like other fats. 
The best way for vegans is to consider an algal oil supplement for a direct source of plant-based EPA and DHA.
For non-vegetarians, don't be fooled into believing that plant-based omega-3 are better and become unpractical


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